Electric Vehicle

Battery Chargers AC/DC

Nowadays, the market of hybrid and electrical vehicles is growing quite fast. These are alternative solutions to common thermal engine cars to reduce the global pollution, especially in terms of rejected CO2 or other NOx pollutants as well as toxic-for-health thin particles.

Onboard high-voltage batteries (200-450V) are firstly used to supply the electrical motor (power train). This source is also used in the vehicle to feed in energy the whole set of embedded electrical or electronic equipments (lamps, air conditioning system, GPS system, radio-set, ECUs…) that require a lower voltage. As for the electrical car, the plug-in hybrid version enables the charging of the battery through an external power cord connected to the mains.

The AC/DC corresponding power supply is dedicated to the charging of the batteries from the mains 50/60Hz network. Its power range varies from 3-4kW (complete charging in 7-8 hours) to 6-7kW (approx half-a-day charging) when plugged to the usual 1-phase domestic network. The power can be increased from 11-22kW (from the AC 3-phase network) to 50kW (DC network) for ultra-fast 30-60 minutes charging but it requires special charging stations to be installed through the cities.

Beyond the ZVS (zero voltage switching) topology, the LLC (inductor-inductor-capacitor tank) resonant half- or full-bridge is now preferred for high efficiency converters (> 90%) and EMI reduction. The switching frequency is commonly set in the 70-350kHz to optimize also the size and losses in semiconductors.

PREMO Solutions

PREMO offers a wide range of high-quality magnetics dedicated to the onboard battery chargers. High performances materials are used for the best efficiency, high temperature stability and reinforced insulation:

  • - EMI AC filter with CM and DM Chokes
  • - Transformer and associated resonant chokes (BCT series)
  • - Output CMC and other filtering chokes
  • - Current measurement transformers for feedback and protection (CS, CM, CSAU series and CS-35A)
  • - Gate drive transformers for transistors control (GDAU series)

HV/LV Converters DC/DC

In recent years, the market of hybrid and electrical vehicles is growing quite fast. These are alternative solutions to common thermal engine cars to reduce the global pollution, especially in terms of rejected CO2 or other NOx pollutants as well as toxic-for-health thin particles. Such new models require more and more power electronics inside, not only for the electrical motor supply with speed and torque control through a power inverter, but also for battery chargers and stable in-car continuous low-voltage power supplies.

The DC/DC power module used to supply in energy all the electronic devices present in the vehicle (lamps, air conditioning system, GPS system, radio-set, electronic computer units ECUs…) converts the high voltage from the batteries (200-450V) to the 12V to 14V low voltage (10-16V in the extended range). It is generally designed around a ZVS full-bridge topology.

The corresponding power range depends on the car size and needs in energy. It can vary from 1.6kW for small electrical city cars to 3-4kW for full-hybrid medium to big sedan, estate or SUV cars. Moreover, a reinforced isolation is mandatory between high-voltage live parts and the end low-voltage with which the user can be in direct contact through conventional 12V plugs. The switching frequency is normally fixed between 70 and 150kHz.

PREMO Solutions

PREMO offers a wide range of high-quality magnetic components dedicated to the 400V/14V DC/DC converters. High performances materials are used for the best efficiency, high temperature stability and reinforced insulation:

  • - Input/output CMC and other filtering chokes
  • - Transformer and associated resonant chokes (DCDC series)
  • - Output DC filtering chokes (HPC series)
  • - Current measurement transformers for feedback and protection (CS, CM, CSAU series and CS-35A)
  • - Gate drive transformers for transistors control (GDAU series)