TC0502 SMD Telecoil 5.1x2.3x2.6mm

L (mH)Q MinLength (mm)Width (mm)Height (mm)Freq. (kHz)SRF (kHz) MinDCR (Ω) MaxSensitivity (mVpp/App/m) MinTolerance
400.405.12.32.412500.60.66± 5%
1400.485.12.32.41902.901.18± 5%
1700.515.12.32.417503.201.38± 5%
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SMD Telecoil 5.1x2.3x2.6mm

This new design is coil with a very stable and high quality ferrite core and tiny size (5.1 x 2.3 x 2.4mm) and high sensitivity in low frequency range (20-40kHz). Those pieces are winding with thin copper wire up to 12μm and its inductances range is 40-270mH. Besides, it has good frequency and temperature behaviour and can be served with “custom”electrics characteristics according requirements of hearing aid devices manufacturers.


  • Small size.
  • High sensitivity.
  • SMD mounting. 



  • Hearing aid devices.


The specification chart is a reference guide for the most common required values at working frequencies of 1 kHz. Any other inductance value at LF or tighter tolerances can be provided. Please contact our sales deparment for any inquiry.

L (mH)Frequency (kHz)ToleranceDCR (kΩ)SRF (kHz) MinSensitivity (mVpp/App/m) MinLength (mm)Width (mm)Height (mm)
TC0502-04000J 40 1 ±5% 0.6 250 0.66 5.1 2.3 2.4
TC0502-14000J 140 1 ±5% 2.9 90 1.18 5.1 2.3 2.4
TC0502-17000J 170 1 ±5% 3.2 80 1.38 5.1 2.3 2.4
TC0502-27000J 270 1 ±5% 4.2 70 1.76 5.1 2.3 2.4


TC0502 Dimensions

All dimensions in mm. 


TC0502 Pad Layout

All dimensions in mm.