CDTI - Funding Innovation Projects

PREMO Awarded with the EUREKA Label for the ICAR Project

EUREKA Label for the ICAR Project

PREMO has been awarded with the EUREKA Label for the ICAR Project.

A technological collaborative project between Spain and Korea, through CDTI-KIAT agencies, and a consortium agreement between PREMO and ALWOX.

What is EUREKA Label?

Eureka, the world’s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation, is present in over 45 countries.

Eureka and Spain. The Centre of the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) is the agency supporting between Eureka and the Spanish organizations seeking funding for an R&D project and interested in international collaboration, giving them access to expertise and supporting their growth.

ICAR Project

A technological collaborative project between Spain and Korea, through CDTI (Spanish) and KIAT (Korean) agencies, and through a consortium agreement between PREMO and ALWOX.

This project has been awarded for the development of an intelligent and robust secure car access system and activation sensor for NFC data communication.



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